Welcome to Moonlight Student
Complete explanations
We try to dive deep into the topics. We don't leave things half-done.
Real-life examples
We provide examples that might help you in your projects if you stumble upon similar situations.
Code snippets
Seeing an explanation complemented with a piece of code is very important. We include (as long as the situation is suitable) code for you to take to your sandbox and play with it. Try to understand it and modify it, that's how we, humans, learn best.
Important topics
Everything we share here is an important topic. Everything is widely used in the real world. We don't include filler topics.
We like to study and learn new stuff
We are people like you, we love to learn and understand how things work. But we know how difficult it can be trying to understand something right out of the documentation or academic textbooks (believe us, we've been there,) so put great effort into understanding everything we research and then explain it as simply as we can, in a non-textbook way—with simple words, as if we were having a normal friend-to-friend conversation. We want to give you the information as we would've liked to have gotten it when we were studying a certain topic.
No copy-and-paste information
We try to remove the unnecessary stuff and leave only what we consider you will need or are interested in. We will never copy and paste something just to fill the gap. We don't just pay attention to what we are presenting to you, but how we are presenting it.